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Still the Easter break and I’ve just found out that my Little ‘un doesn’t go back to school until Tuesday 16th… I ‘assumed’ it was Monday 15th… and breathe….

We went swimming this morning at our local leisure centre and my son was in his element.  I thought it was so funny watching him have such a lot of fun just jumping in, then getting out, jumping in, then getting out… it could have gone on for ever had he not drunk most of the pool and needed the loo!  Then it was back to swimming practice and trying to put in place the homework he was given from his swimming teacher last week.  This was not as much fun, for either of us, as it required effort, listening and discipline… something my son really prefers to avoid at all costs!  Needless to say, the ‘swimming lesson’ didn’t last too long and soon we were back to jumping in…

Back home… chores…  Not my best time of day (made especially harder when you have little ‘uns constantly asking for food, attention, food, ‘play with me’, food…).  I have often heard that many people find solace in housework, strange, I know, but I think much of it is because of how mundane and repetitious it is.  It can often take our minds away to other things other than the here and now.  I particularly like to imagine what I’d do if I won the Lotto or if Gerard Butler happened to knock on my door (yum! Sorry darling husband..).  Additionally, if done vigorously enough it can also have benefits on your figure (especially advantageous if Mr Butler does happen to appear!).  But I think the main benefit is that if your house is tidy, clutter-free (well as much as possible) and clean, it must just automatically make you feel more relaxed and calm.  So, with thoughts of ‘Relaxing at your place’ I decided to do a little more research on how housework can help us to relax…

Well, lo and behold, I found a blog called, wait for it… drum roll… makepeacewithhousework.com by Danielle Raine, can you believe it!  It’s all about ‘how to cope with the mental and emotional challenge of keeping your home’ (useful I guess if you do find keeping your home mentally and emotionally challenging..).  It’s an interesting read.  One of her blogs in particular is ‘10 Really Good Reasons to Bust your Clutter’ and includes bullets like ‘less housework’ (good to know) and ‘home as a sanctuary’ (perfect!), as well as ‘boost self-esteem’ (oh yes!).    She has also written a couple of books too, one based on her blog and one just out called House Work Blues, might have to consider getting a copy.

There is also another website called ‘Penniless Parenting’ (could come in useful) which gives some good ideas on how to get the kids to help with the housework (always a winner!).

Well, time to put my money where my mouth is, so to speak, stop procrastinating and get down to cleaning those windows… Oh, hang on, we must first nip to the library and take those books back…

Happy Monday everyone,



Massage Mondays are always a winner! Why not book some time in for yourself next Monday?